Starting Today And For The Rest of Your Life…

Be More Valued by Men in 48 Hours – Not Disappointed, Frustrated, or Taken for Granted

Guaranteed… or You Get a Free Spa Treatment!

As Seen On...

Starting Today And For The Rest of Your Life…

Be More Valued by Men in 48 Hours – Not Disappointed, Frustrated, or Taken for Granted

Guaranteed… or You Get a FREE Spa Treatment!

As Seen On...

Dear Friend,

Are you tired of dating men who don’t prioritize you? If so, you need to hear this message, especially if…

  • You struggle to set boundaries and keep saying “yes”, even after a man disappoints you…

  • You’re afraid to ask for “too much” and scare him away, so you hide your own needs…

  • You go out of your way and make more of an effort to see him — like canceling your plans with friends at the last minute (even though he wouldn’t do the same for you).

But then you feel resentful. Are you trapped in a bad relationship pattern? It depends… How many of these sound familiar?

  • You spend hours preparing romantic dinners, only to have your boyfriend work late (and send you a last-minute text, making you feel like an afterthought)...

  • You spend hours getting ready for a date, trying on outfits, and calling your friends for advice, only to have him reschedule and hang out with his buddies instead…

  • You stay with men who won’t commit to you, even though you feel insecure or “rejected” when they pursue other women…

  • You ignore red flags you’d warn your best friend to avoid…

  • When you’re dating someone and know he’s not the one, you keep holding out hope “just in case”...

  • You settle because you’re not sure you’ll find someone better…

  • You have an underlying fear of being alone, so you stay in relationships long past the expiration date…

  • When a relationship fails, you worry that you’re not good enough or something must be wrong with you.

Are You Putting Out The Wrong Signals? Demonstrating Low Value?

Some dating experts tell you: “Don’t be needy. Don’t ask for too much. Give him space”. In other words, don’t have any needs of your own… and be happy he’s showing up at all! ☹

If you follow that advice, is it any surprise that men put you second, or treat you like a low priority?

Other experts tell you to play games because men love “the chase”. For example, don’t reach out first… double the time it takes him to text you back… or send him text messages that someone else wrote.

But these approaches give him false expectations, and set up a dynamic that can backfire.

Sure, you can try to play the “cool girl” card, pleasing and accommodating him. But this won’t inspire him to please, love, or respect you — let alone meet your needs.

If you’re like the women I’ve helped, you want a real relationship. You value authenticity and don’t want to be manipulative.

No Wonder You’re Still Dissatisfied!

My friend Emily is a single mom who yearned for a serious relationship. But she kept attracting men who only wanted to be “friends with benefits”.

She had high hopes for one guy and wanted her family in Kansas to meet him. So she treated him to a flight and hotel. But throughout the trip, he messaged other women on dating apps right in front of her.

That was typical for the men she dated. Emily is like a sister to me and this hurt my heart. I kept trying to give her advice, but she was stubborn for a long time.

When she finally tried what I suggested, she met a wonderful man. Now they live together. Not only does he treat her with love and respect. He’s also helping raise her two daughters!

When she urged me to help other women like her, I was reluctant at first. I didn’t think women would want dating advice from a guy. But you know what? I was wrong.

Since taking Emily’s suggestion, I’ve been helping women from many backgrounds put themselves first, and inspire men to treat them with love and respect.

No Wonder You’re Still Dissatisfied!

My friend Emily is a single mom who yearned for a serious relationship. But she kept attracting men who only wanted to be “friends with benefits”.

She had high hopes for one guy and wanted her family in Kansas to meet him. So she treated him to a flight and hotel. But throughout the trip, he messaged other women on dating apps right in front of her.

That was typical for the men she dated. Emily is like a sister to me and this hurt my heart. I kept trying to give her advice, but she was stubborn for a long time.

When she finally tried what I suggested, she met a wonderful man. Now they live together. Not only does he treat her with love and respect. He’s also helping raise her two daughters!

When she urged me to help other women like her, I was reluctant at first. I didn’t think women would want dating advice from a guy. But you know what? I was wrong.

Since taking Emily’s suggestion, I’ve been helping women from many backgrounds put themselves first, and inspire men to treat them with love and respect.

Be Treated Like A Priority, Not An “Option”!

My name is Trevor Justice. I know the insider secrets to winning a man's heart, his respect, and his commitment, and I’m here to let you in on it. How do I know?

For 12 years, I've been part of men’s circle that's been featured in the San Francisco Chronicle. I’ve been elected to lead it several times. So I’ve been privy to men’s challenges, feelings, and decisions - in the realm of dating and relationships.

For example, do you ever wonder why a man won’t commit to one woman, but then turns around and marries someone else? While beauty and “type” matter, those aren’t the main factors. Discover the biggest factor in Chapter 1 of my new book...

Introducing… “Attract Love and Respect -

5 Ways To Be Valued in Your Relationships”

If you read my story (at the bottom of this page), you’ll see that I know what it feels like to be an “option” instead of a priority. You don’t deserve that. Nobody does.

But if you keep attracting men who disappoint or frustrate you, chances are good that you’re putting out the wrong signals and demonstrating low value.

So I created this groundbreaking new guide to help you change your relationship patterns – for good!

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • Why you’re drawn to – and attract – men who leave you feeling disappointed, frustrated, or taken for granted time after time…

  • How you unconsciously send men the wrong signals…

  • The difference between expressing your needs and being “needy”...

  • How your attachment style affects your relationship dynamic.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Break free from toxic relationship patterns…

  • Inspire men to love and cherish you—without manipulating them…

  • Get your needs met and receive as much as you give…

  • Put yourself first and be treated the way you deserve…

  • Demonstrate high value so men want to win you over…

  • Respect yourself more than you fear losing the man you’re dating…

  • Show men from different backgrounds how to respect you…

  • Quickly find out if someone new will value you, and if not, end it before you get too attached.

What Women Are Saying

About My Advice…

“A much more loving man proposed! Could have saved a lot of grief.”

“Last year I took your advice and asked the hard questions you suggested. I was so disappointed with my boyfriend’s answers. I set some boundaries and challenges for him to step up to, if he wanted to see me again. I could have saved a lot of grief if I’d asked him those questions long ago!

Six months later, a much more loving man proposed! Now I’m making a life with this great man who’s incredibly present with the difficult challenges of life. He’s fully committed and nurturing to me and my mother. When I put my foot down the way you teach, the universe listened and answered my prayers - but not in the way I expected!"

Gisélle Bisson

What Women Are Saying About My Advice…

“A much more loving man proposed! Could have saved a lot of grief.”

“Last year I took your advice and asked the hard questions you suggested. I was so disappointed with my boyfriend’s answers. I set some boundaries and challenges for him to step up to, if he wanted to see me again. I could have saved a lot of grief if I’d asked him those questions long ago!

Six months later, a much more loving man proposed! Now I’m making a life with this great man who’s incredibly present with the difficult challenges of life. He’s fully committed and nurturing to me and my mother. When I put my foot down the way you teach, the universe listened and answered my prayers - but not in the way I expected!"

Gisélle Bisson

“Felt anxious and disconnected, not safe… Turned that relationship around… Taking an amazing trip to Italy!”

“My relationship was on the rocks. My partner was traveling and I didn't hear from him for stretches at a time. I took that as rejection. I often felt anxious and disconnected, not safe.

As a result of learning this communication, I have been able to turn that relationship around, to really feel loved and valued and respected.

I now feel safe in the relationship. He is consistently in touch with me on a daily basis, which is what I needed. And not only that.... I wanted more special time with him, so now we are taking an amazing trip to Italy!”

Grace Peterson

“Felt anxious and disconnected, not safe… Turned that relationship around… Taking an amazing trip to Italy!”

“My relationship was on the rocks. My partner was traveling and I didn't hear from him for stretches at a time. I took that as rejection. I often felt anxious and disconnected, not safe.

As a result of learning this communication, I have been able to turn that relationship around, to really feel loved and valued and respected.

I now feel safe in the relationship. He is consistently in touch with me on a daily basis, which is what I needed. And not only that.... I wanted more special time with him, so now we are taking an amazing trip to Italy!”

Grace Peterson

“I no longer worry… Freed me from anxiety and insecurity… Life changing!”

“Since using your language to request daily contact, my partner is showing up every day, so consistent, and that has done wonders for me.

I feel more relaxed. I no longer worry when I'm going to hear from him. Even though it may be once a day and brief, hearing from him daily has freed me from a lot of anxiety and insecurity.

I've told all of my friends ‘This is life changing!’ I did a ton of couples therapy with my ex-husband. I have a great couples therapist as well. But this is just the next level... several levels up!”

Elizabeth Garcia

“Had a history of being with men who didn’t value me… Now dating a man who treats me extremely well.”

“I had a history of being with men who didn't value me, and was recently in a relationship with a guy who broke dates a lot.

Now I'm dating a man who’s perfect for me. He's fun, funny, and super intelligent. He treats me extremely well. He pays me the attention that I wanted from my last guy.

He calls me every day, texts me all the time, and when we make plans, he never breaks them. He goes out of his way to make sure that he keeps his word.”

Theresa Campbell

“I no longer worry… Freed me from anxiety and insecurity… Life changing!”

“Since using your language to request daily contact, my partner is showing up every day, so consistent, and that has done wonders for me.

I feel more relaxed. I no longer worry when I'm going to hear from him. Even though it may be once a day and brief, hearing from him daily has freed me from a lot of anxiety and insecurity.

I've told all of my friends ‘This is life changing!’ I did a ton of couples therapy with my ex-husband. I have a great couples therapist as well. But this is just the next level... several levels up!”

Elizabeth Garcia

“Had a history of being with men who didn’t value me… Now dating a man who treats me extremely well.”

“I had a history of being with men who didn't value me, and was recently in a relationship with a guy who broke dates a lot.

Now I'm dating a man who’s perfect for me. He's fun, funny, and super intelligent. He treats me extremely well. He pays me the attention that I wanted from my last guy.

He calls me every day, texts me all the time, and when we make plans, he never breaks them. He goes out of his way to make sure that he keeps his word.”

Theresa Campbell

Yours FREE: $362.00 Worth of Bonuses – When You Claim Your Copy Of "Attract Love And Respect" (For Just $17.00)

Bonus #1

Love Breakthrough Session (Normally $225)

Do you put yourself second? Or fail to speak up when your needs aren’t met? If so, an unconscious shadow belief could be sabotaging you. During this private 45 minute session, we’ll uncover your shadow belief, why your relationships keep disappointing you, and the #1 step you can take to be valued and respected.

FREE when you order “Attract Love and Respect” today!

Bonus #2:

Top Dating Tips for Women (Normally $10)

Boost the quality of your dates and find your happily ever after.

FREE when you order “Attract Love and Respect” today!

Bonus #3:

A Safe Process to End Toxic Relationships (Normally $10)

Learn to leave a toxic relationship without further harm, heal your heart, and make space for the right man.

FREE when you order “Attract Love and Respect” today!

Bonus #4:

The Relationship Rescue Plan (Normally $10)

The last resort you will need to save any relationship!

FREE when you order “Attract Love and Respect” today!

Bonus #5:

Release Hurt and Shame in Your Bathtub (Normally $10)

Combine the therapeutic power of music and water – to wash away hurt, pain, and shame.

FREE when you order “Attract Love and Respect” today!

Bonus #6:

Ticket to one Self-Love Song Circle on Zoom (Normally $23.50)

Replace hurt, shame, and doubt with self-love, acceptance, and forgiveness.

Experience the therapeutic power of singing self-love affirmations together, in a safe space.

(Since it’s on zoom, you can mute yourself while singing along, but unmute to share negative beliefs and emotions you’re letting go of.)

FREE when you order “Attract Love and Respect” today!

I’ve found that decisive customers are more likely to engage with my action steps, get amazing results, and invest in my services.

So even though my book normally sells for $27, I’m rewarding action-takers with a fast action discount. It's simple... if you order before midnight tonight, you get the book and bonuses for a mere $17.

Bonus #6:

Membership in Our Private Group for Women (Normally $97)

Join our online community of women who are demonstrating higher value, evoking empathy for their needs, and getting more respect from men. I (Trevor) am the only man in this group. Won't it feel awesome to be celebrated each time you share a success story?

FREE when you order “Attract Love and Respect” today!

I’ve found that decisive customers are more likely to engage with my action steps, get amazing results, and invest in my services.

So even though my book normally sells for $27, I’m rewarding action-takers with a fast action discount.
It's simple... if you order before midnight tonight, you get the book and bonuses for a mere $17.

You’re Protected By My "Free Spa Treatment" Guarantee

I guarantee that you'll be more valued by men, and evoke more compassion when you put your foot down, within 48 hours of completing the action steps (at the end of each chapter).

If not (very unlikely!), just send us copies of your completed action steps within 30 days, and we’ll send you $70 towards a spa treatment.

Even if you don’t complete the action steps, you’re still protected by our unconditional guarantee. Just email us within 30 days for a prompt 100% refund. Our email is Our phone number is (510) 390-7875‬.

I don’t know of any other dating/relationship coach offering such a bold guarantee. Do you? That said, this "free spa treatment" guarantee is only valid for this book, not our other products and services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why the discount from $27 to $17?

Women who jump in tend to put my strategies into practice right away. As such, they notice the biggest change in their relationship dynamics. And more of them check out my other offerings. So I’m rewarding action takers like you. But that’s not the only reason…When visitors leave this page empty-handed, my “retargeting campaign" kicks in. It shows them ads for my book at the everyday price of $27. But these ads cost me more money. So unfortunately, I have to pass this extra cost onto them.

“What’s your story, Trevor?”

From 2015 - 2017, I felt taken for granted by two girlfriends in a row.

The first woman wouldn’t commit to me. She didn’t practice safe sex with other men. And she shared details about those men, even though I asked her not to. I didn’t feel safe. I didn’t feel respected.

The second kept finding fault. She pressured me to give a lot more than I received. And when she canceled dates, she always let me know it was to spend more time with her friends.

I Was Afraid To Rock The Boat – So I Faked 

A Smile And Acted Like It Was No Big Deal

But I felt like crap inside. My quest for answers led me to places like The Ford Institute and The Center for Spiritual Living. I invested thousands of dollars in personal growth workshops and courses – and I’m glad I did. It paid off! 

I discovered the real reason I kept attracting women who didn’t value me. Like my friend Emily, I was putting out signals that repelled love and respect, instead of attracting these qualities. 

After making that discovery and an internal change, I started attracting respectful women and was elected leader of my men’s circle. I became the man my soulmate was looking for, and in 2020, I met her.

Today I'm engaged to this wonderful woman who loves and respects me 100%. Now I'm on a mission to teach others what I discovered and liberate them from bad relationship patterns.

FAQ image

Copyright © 2023 Attract Love and Respect

(510) 698-2825